Fuck Cancer

Health promotion doesn't have to be boring.

With an estimated 1.9 million cancer cases diagnosed in North America in 2021 it must grab attention.

Key Services
Health Promotion Video
Social Campaigns & Filters
Graphic Design


No-one ever wants to hear the words ‘you have cancer’, but it’s an all-too-familiar phrase. In North America, there is the added pressure of navigating complex administrative and logistical systems to contend with. In addition to raising awareness of cancer, Fuck Cancer aims to be a helping hand to people directly affected by cancer, particularly in the early stages of a diagnosis when guidance is most needed.

Initially asked to help with a health promotion campaign, through initial meetings we realised there was a disconnection between the team members and their understanding of their teams core purpose.


Fuck is not a bad word, cancer is.

Fuck Cancer talk differently. A direct tone of voice and excessive amount of energy and dedication to their cause is core to their brand. We were tasked to refresh the brand to match this personality and energy, bringing it back to life. #dreamjob

Before we started their brand had a disconnect between their passionate and irreverent personality and their external presence. We knew their personality was a uniquely effective rallying cry, so elevating it was a key focus.

As a primary touch point, their website messaging was not aligned to their mantra and had a complicated information architecture, with users struggled to find the information they needed on their website.


Finding a louder, prouder voice.

We thought about what would make Fuck Cancer look different, feel different and align with their tone of voice. After researching the US markets health promotion landscape we leaned towards themes of; movement, dynamic colours, bold type and personality. These themes allow the brand to have attitude and stand out to their youth focused market.

It can't all be about fun, so for functional health promotion communications we created an irreverent but instructional illustration style with quirky copy and fun, flexible sticker devices. This allows personality to be paired with informational graphics or animations, without loosing the personality of the brand.


"We were ecstatic with the level of creativity they brought to the table. They just got us and what we were trying to achieve."

  • Amanda Motion
    Fuck Cancer, VP of Marketing

The result has enabled Fuck Cancer to express its personality consistently across each platforms in a unified way and engage with their young audience. Its increased engage on social platforms and seen web traffic increase in the 6 months post launch.

  • 32.42% more traffic
  • 4.02% increase in page views
  • 110.82% increase in organic search

Launch Campaign Merchandise

Delivered to their influencer networks and sold via their online store.