World Fuel

Digital Sales Tools

We created a digital sales tool to support the World Fuels in high level discussions of their Expeditionary Fuel Systems. 

Key Services


In 2023 we worked with the team to develop a physical diorama to aid complex operational discussions with military and government personnel. After the success of the physical model at several tradeshows, the team requested we create a ‘more portable’ digital version.


The physical version was successful because it aid in-person discussions and enabled people to gather around and discuss scenarios. The challenge was to achieve a similar level of situational context and dialogue in a digital tool. 


We created a single scenario that highlighted a common scenario that would be flexible enough to aid both military and civilian discussions. It highlighted the flexibility of their Expeditionary Fuel Systems across different deployment scenarios and how they can work together.

We created vivid 3d videos that take the viewer through scenario, the first time the company had seen their systems built and adjustable in such a way.


Launched at AUSA 2024 the digital sales tool was really well received, enabling discussions with military and civilian audiences. Displayed on a large screen on World Fuels trade show stands, its now doing the trade show circuit.

“A very good attraction for the stand”

— Ben, World Fuel

We created a digital tool for their expo booth, this is one of the information pages
We created a digital tool for their expo booth, this is one of the information pages
An example of the digital presentation we built for World Fuel, showing a disaster zone and their fuel storage system, built in Unity
An example of the digital presentation we built for World fuel, of their quick inland refueling system
An example of the digital presentation we built for World Fuel, of their system set up for beach storage